Dragons Blood – (Dracaena resin)

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Nestled two hundred miles off the coast of Yemen lies Socotra, an isolated island renowned as the jewel of Arabia. Here, amidst its rugged terrain, thrives a species of tree so extraordinary it has captivated imaginations for millennia—the dragon’s blood tree. With its distinctive umbrella-like silhouette, this tree is found nowhere else on Earth.

Amidst the backdrop of political turmoil and climate change, we at The Power Of Seven seek to shed light on Socotra’s unique ecosystem. When conversing with local harvesters, we witnessed a profound connection between them and the dragon’s blood tree, despite their casual demeanor. Watching them engage in ceremonial acts revealed a deep spiritual bond with the land.

Although governed by Yemen, Socotra is often referred to as the Galapagos of the Indian Ocean—a testament to its rich biodiversity. This arid, rocky landscape is the birthplace of the dragon’s blood tree, which has endured for thousands of years. Loved for its vibrant red sap, these trees are ancient beings, taking thirty years to reach maturity before producing their prized resin. However, they face increasing threats from livestock that consume young saplings and climate change-induced storms that ravage their habitats.

Local Lore and Legends

Local lore speaks of a time when the dragon’s blood trees formed dense forests across the plateau, offering shade under the ever-blazing sun. In Arabic, the tree is known as Dam al-Akhawain, or “the blood of the two brothers.” According to legend, the first dragon’s blood tree sprouted where two brothers, Darsa and Samha, fought to the death. Another tale tells of trees arising from the drops of blood shed during a battle between a dragon and an elephant.

The Folklore Story

Legend has it that the dragon’s blood trees on Socotra owe their existence to an ancient battle between two mighty creatures: a dragon and an elephant. According to local folklore passed down through generations, the dragon was a fearsome creature that roamed the island, its scales shimmering under the scorching sun.

One day, as the dragon wandered through the rocky terrain, it encountered a massive elephant, its tusks gleaming like ivory in the sunlight. The two beasts, each believing itself to be the undisputed ruler of Socotra, clashed in a battle of epic proportions.

The confrontation shook the very ground beneath them as the dragon unleashed torrents of fire, and the elephant trumpeted with earth-shaking force. In their fierce combat, the dragon’s sharp claws tore into the elephant’s flesh, while the elephant’s powerful tusks gored the dragon’s scaly hide.

As the battle raged on, the earth itself seemed to tremble in fear, and the skies darkened with the intensity of their struggle. With each blow exchanged, drops of blood fell from their wounds, staining the ground below.

In the aftermath of the titanic clash, both the dragon and the elephant lay mortally wounded, their lifeblood mingling with the soil of Socotra. From the blood of the fallen creatures, sprouted the first dragon’s blood trees, their distinctive red sap a vivid reminder of the battle that gave them life.

From that day forth, the dragon’s blood trees became a symbol of resilience and endurance, standing as silent witnesses to the ancient conflict between two mighty beings. And so, the legend of the dragon and the elephant lives on, intertwined with the very essence of Socotra’s natural beauty.

Benefits and Spiritual uses

For millennia, a natural red resin known as dragon’s blood has found its place in various applications, from paints to spiritual rituals. This resin, harvested from select varieties of dragon trees, boasts a rich history steeped in tradition and belief.

Despite its name evoking images of mythical creatures breathing fire and scales, dragon’s blood originates from the sap of certain tree species. The ruby-red resin can be gathered from trees belonging to tropical plant groups such as Croton, Daemonorops, Pterocarpus, and Dracaena, notably the Dracaena cinnabari. These majestic trees, with their branches resembling outstretched hands, seem to offer dragon’s blood as a precious gift from the earth.

Dragon’s blood possesses a myriad of uses, ranging from medicinal to spiritual. It has been employed as a remedy for external ulcers and inflammation, as well as a dye, varnish, and notably, as incense in religious and personal practices.

This potent resin has left its mark across continents and centuries, referenced in the records of Ancient Greeks, Romans, and civilizations across India, China, and the Middle East. From the distant sands of Morocco to the remote reaches of Socotra, dragon’s blood has been revered and utilized.

In Hindu rituals, it is offered as a sacred gift to the gods, while Native Americans burn it to invoke the spirits of their ancestors. In Wiccan practices, it is valued for its magical properties, offering protection, banishing negativity, and promoting healing.

Whether in the form of incense sticks, cones, resin, or essential oil, the scent of dragon’s blood is unmistakable. Its aroma, reminiscent of amber, vanilla, and spices, fills the air with a sense of power and mystique, enriching the spiritual experience of those who use it.

Deeply rooted in the traditions of folk magic and shamanism, dragon’s blood holds potent properties, renowned for banishing negativity and aiding in healing. Its use spans millennia, from ancient medicinal practices to American hoodoo rituals. Associated strongly with the element of fire, dragon’s blood embodies active energy, capable of bringing warmth and vitality or consuming that which is unwanted.

Spiritual Rituals

In spiritual rituals, dragon’s blood serves three primary purposes: banishing, healing, and protection. When combined with other herbs and blends, it is believed to enhance their potency. Burning dragon’s blood as incense invokes its inherent energy and magic, harnessing the power of fire and flame within the ritual.

Though the resin itself appears as shimmering crystals, it acts as a catalyst, amplifying the magic of any ritual it accompanies. For instance, when cleansing a space with white sage, adding dragon’s blood intensifies the cleansing magic, enhancing purification.

Dragon’s blood is regarded as a quintessential force in magic generation, akin to the ultimate generator of magical power—the dragon itself. It has the ability to manipulate energies, enabling practitioners to influence various aspects of life. For example, one can manipulate their belief system to foster self-confidence, effectively suppressing underlying doubts and leading to a brighter existence. However, it’s important to note that these changes may be temporary; shyness or doubts may resurface after a few hours.

In essence, dragon’s blood empowers individuals to shape their reality, instilling confidence, protection, and healing as they navigate their spiritual journey.

Among the rituals involving dragon’s blood are the following:

  1. Healing and Restoration: Dragon’s blood is used for the healing and restoration of physical, emotional, or mental well-being.
  2. Banishment of Negativity: It is employed to banish negativity from one’s surroundings or oneself.
  3. Ritualistic Writing and Seals: Dragon’s blood is often used in ritualistic writing and to seal intentions or spells.
  4. Empowerment and Fortification: It is utilised to empower individuals or objects and to fortify protective barriers.


Skin care

One of the key benefits of dragon’s blood extract is its ability to improve skin health. It aids in healing wounds, reducing inflammation, and protecting against infections. Additionally, it possesses age-defying properties, helping to diminish the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. By plumping and rehydrating the skin, dragon’s blood extract effectively reduces fine lines through increased hydration.

The soothing properties of dragon’s blood make it particularly beneficial for calming sensitized or irritated skin, while its antimicrobial properties can help minimize breakouts.

In the skincare industry, dragon’s blood is highly valued for its ability to soothe, hydrate, and plump the skin. It is believed to minimize redness and calm sensitive skin, often complemented with ingredients like hyaluronic acid, aloe vera, and shea butter.

Skincare products featuring dragon’s blood extract include serums, moisturizers, face masks, and sculpting gels.

Dragon’s blood also possesses potent antibacterial properties, earning it the nickname “natural liquid bandaid.” This attribute makes it effective in healing various skin issues, from sunburns to insect bites. Its antibacterial properties have been particularly beneficial for treating acne, breakouts, and scarring. By acting as a natural wound healer, dragon’s blood clears up infections and bacteria from pores, making it highly beneficial for acne-prone and combination skin.

Moreover, dragon’s blood is renowned for its anti-aging properties. Its key component, Taspine, promotes wound healing and skin regeneration, making it effective for acne scarring and sun-damaged skin. Additionally, dragon’s blood contains Proanthocyanidins, which repair and strengthen collagen fibers, resulting in firmer, plumper skin and a more youthful appearance.

Another significant benefit of dragon’s blood is its anti-inflammatory properties. It calms redness, swelling, rashes, and acne, making it suitable for individuals with rosacea or sensitive skin. Ancient Chinese medicine utilizes dragon’s blood’s anti-inflammatory powers to alleviate various bodily pains.

Deep hydration is crucial for inflamed, mature, or acne-prone skin, and dragon’s blood provides intense moisture that penetrates deep into the skin. Unlike some moisturizers that sit on the skin’s surface, dragon’s blood is absorbed deeply, leaving the skin feeling plump and hydrated throughout the day.

Furthermore, dragon’s blood acts as a “second skin,” forming a protective barrier against external aggressors such as sun, wind, and pollutants. This protective layer helps to firm the skin and provides a natural “face lift” effect.

My personal experience with dragon’s blood has led me to create my own Dragon’s Blood Healing Cream. Enriched with shea butter and nut oils, this moisturizer is delicately scented with lavender, ylang-ylang, and rose geranium essential oils. Suitable for various skin types, including problematic, sensitive, dry, and mature skin, this cream is designed to heal and rejuvenate your skin. Whether you’re dealing with acne, dryness, or signs of aging, my Dragon’s Blood Healing Cream is formulated to address your skincare needs, providing healing, hydration, and protection.


Additional information

Weight 0.025 kg

50 grams, 100 grams, 250 grams, 500 grams, 1 Kilogram